Uffington Primary School
Alice Iphone

This project was run over two half day workshops at Uffington Primary School. The children were reading Alice in Wonderland as one of their projects and each chose a character to illustrate by means of a simple icon. These were going to be based on my iphone hanging from the 'Alice in Wonderland' exhibition.
We began by reading a couple of sections of the book to remind us of some of the characters and then experimented with the ideas on paper first and then redrew the best ones onto fabric.

These designs were then painted with fabric paint and left to dry.

During the second workshop we cut out the icons, stitched them onto coloured felt backgrounds and decorated them with buttons, ribbons, beads and sequins.

The children arranged the apps onto the iphone background and they were stitched in place and the details added to produce the giant iphone.